
PurKine™ MBP-Tag Dextrin Resin 6FF Products Released!

mbp-tag-1Dextrin Resins is a chromatography medium for purifying proteins fused to maltose binding protein (MBP-tagged protein). Recombinant proteins with MBP-tags often gives increased expression levels and higher solubility of the target protein. Proper folding of the attached protein has also been shown to be promoted by the MBP tag. Since MBP increase the solubility, the tag is extremely useful for recombinant proteins accumulated in an insoluble form (inclusion bodies).

PurKine™ MBP-Tag Dextrin Resin 6FF effectively purifies high levels of overexpressed MBP-tagged fusion proteins at a variety of scales. The Resin consists of 90μm beads of highly cross-linked 6% agarose, to which Dextrin has been coupled. Tests confirm that performance equals or exceeds popular Dextrin resins from other suppliers, and no decrease in performance occurs after at least five repeated uses. In addition, its high flow properties make it excellent for scaling-up.

The series of PurKine™ MBP-Tag Dextrin Resin products contain MBP-Tag Dextrin Resin 6FF, MBP-Tag Dextrin Packed Column 6FFMBP-Tag Protein Purification Kit (Dextrin). Per milliliter of resin can capture more than 10 mg of MBP-tagged protein. MBP-Tag Dextrin Resin 6FF is a highly crosslinked resin which can tolerate at most 500cm/hour linear flow rates, thus it make  MBP-Tag Dextrin Resin 6FF more excellent for scaling-up.

