
HA Tag DNA and Peptide Sequence

It is common to include a small segment of the viral hemagglutinin (HA) coat protein  in gene expression vectors as an epitope tag. Human influenza hemagglutinin (HA) is a surface glycoprotein required for the infectivity of the human virus. The HA tag has been extensively used as a general epitope tag in expression vectors. Many recombinant proteins have been engineered to express the HA tag, which does not appear to interfere with the bioactivity or the biodistribution of the recombinant protein. This tag facilitates the detection, isolation, and purification of the protein of interest.

As show below, Influenza Hemagglutinin (HA) Peptide is a tag peptide derived from an epitope of the influenza hemagglutinin protein. In conjugation with an HA hemagglutinin tag antibody, proteins tagged with the HA segment can be easily identified in Western blot or in immunocytochemical experiments, eliminating the generation of any protein-specific antibodies. Thus, HA hemagglutinin tag antibody is one of most commonly used antibodies in protein expression and cell biology studies.

HA Tag DNA and Peptide Sequence


However, the HA tag is not suitable for detection or purification of proteins from apoptotic cells since it is cleaved by Caspase-3 and / or Caspase-7 after its sequence DVPD, causing it to lose its immunoreactivity.

HA Tag DNA Sequence

Tags and fusion proteins are excellent tools for further understanding the function of your favorite gene. For example, fusing your protein to an epitope tag, such as HA, will allow you to easily identify your protein using an HA tag antibody against that epitope. This could allow you to conduct WB or IP of your favorite gene even if you do not have an antibody against it.

HA Epitope VectorRepresentative Empty Backbones
pKH3 VectorN or C-terminal 3xHA tag for mammalian expression
pHAHA VectorN-terminal double HA tag for mammalian expression
pCS2HA VectorN or C-terminal 2xHA tag in pCS for a variety of systems, including Xenopus
pAG423GPD-ccdB-HAC-terminal 3xHA tag for yeast expression

DNA sequence coding for HA tag in pCMV-HA vector is from 832-858 with total 27 nucleotides, TAC CCA TAC GAT GTT CCA GAT TAC GCT 3′ or 5′ TAT CCA TAT GAT GTT CCA GAT TAT GCT.

pCMV-HA Vector

VSV-G Tag Amino Acid Sequence

The HA tag is derived from the HA-molecule corresponding to amino acids 98-106, which is a 9 amino acid sequence YPYDVPDYA peptide derived from the Human influenza hemagglutinin.

Chemical NameInfluenza Hemagglutinin Peptide
Canonical SMILESCC(C)C(C(=O)N1CCCC1C(=O)NC(CC(=O)O)C(=O)




If you are looking for a detection tool to quantify or localize your HA fusion proteins, we highly recommend you to try our featured monoclonal HA Antibody risk free. This antibody with clone number 4F6 can specifically recognizes native and denatured forms of HA fusion proteins, with which can meet your any requirements for Western Blot, Immunofluorescence and Immunoprecipitation assays.

