
Selection Strategy of Apoptosis Products- Early apoptosis

is a dynamic process, which involves a series of complex biochemical reactions,
expression regulation of multiple genes, signal transduction, cascade reactions
involving multiple enzymes and multiple signal pathways. The cell feels the
corresponding apoptosis signal stimulation, and a series of control switches in
the cell are turned on or off, and activation of various enzymes triggers a
series of cascade reactions. Different external factors initiate apoptosis in
different ways, resulting in different signal transduction.

Early apoptosis

Feature 1: eversion of lipid membrane

In normal cells, phosphatidylserine (PS) is only distributed on the inner
side of the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane. In the early stage of cell
apoptosis, PS turns from the inner side of the lipid membrane to the outer
side. Annexin V is a calcium-dependent phospholipid binding protein with a
molecular weight of 35-36kD, and has high affinity with PS. It binds to the
cell membrane of early apoptotic cells through PS exposed on the outside of
cells. Therefore Annexin V is a sensitive indicator to detect early apoptosis
of cells. Usually, Annexin V is labeled with some fluorescent probes, which can
simply and directly detect PS eversion, an important feature of apoptosis.

Product recommendation

Product name


Abbkine Annexin
V-AbFluor™ 405 Apoptosis Detection Kit


Abbkine Annexin
V-AbFluor™ 488 Apoptosis Detection Kit


Abbkine Annexin
V-AbFluor™ 555 Apoptosis Detection Kit


Abbkine Annexin
V-AbFluor™ 647 Apoptosis Detection Kit


Product character

series of characteristic fluorescent dyes (blue, green and red) patented by
Abbkine label recombinant human Annexin V protein, and are matched with PI to
introduce different fluorescence apoptosis detection kits, which are suitable
for detection with fluorescence equipment such as flow cytometry and
fluorescence microscope.

Feature 2: Mitochondrial membrane
potential decreased

Normal mitochondrial membrane potential is the premise for maintaining
mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production, and is necessary
for maintaining mitochondrial function. The decline of mitochondrial membrane
potential is a landmark event in the early stage of cell apoptosis. JC-1 is an
ideal fluorescent probe widely used for detecting mitochondrial membrane
potential. When mitochondrial membrane potential is high, JC-1 aggregates in
the matrix of mitochondria to form polymers (J-aggregates). Red fluorescence
can be generated(Ex/Em =
585/590). when the mitochondrial membrane potential is low, JC-1 cannot
aggregate in the matrix of mitochondria. at this time, JC-1 is a monomer, which
can generate green fluorescence (Ex/Em = 510/527 nm).

Product recommendation

Product name


Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Assay Kit


Product character

Abbkine Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Analysis Kit (JC-1) uses JC-1 as a fluorescent probe to rapidly and sensitively detect changes in mitochondrial membrane potential. This kit can very conveniently detect changes in mitochondrial membrane potential through changes in fluorescence color.

Abbkine Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Analysis Kit (JC-1)

