
AmCyan Sequence

AmCyan is a cyan fluorescent protein designed from Clontech (Now part of Takara). The living color protein was isolated from the coral reef organism Anemonia majano. Cyan fluorescent proteins such as AmCyan1 are ideal for simultaneously detection of two or more events in the same cell or cell population, because their excitation and emission spectra are distinct from other fluorescent proteins.

The AmCyan fluorescent protein sequence has been optimized for translation in mammalian cells with high solubility, bright emission, and rapid chromophore maturation. AmCyan1 can be used as a molecular tag or as a reporter to visualize, track, and quantify cellular processes including protein synthesis and turnover, protein translocation, gene induction, and cell lineage.

AmCyan DNA sequence in pAmCyan vector 

pAmCyan is a pUC19-derived prokaryotic expression vector, which encodes a variant of wildtype Anemonia majano cyan fluorescent protein (AmCyan 1) that has been engineered for brighter fluorescence. Two amino acid substitutions (Asn-34 to Ser; Lys-68 to Met) have been made to enhance the emission characteristics of AmCyan (excitation maximum = 458 nm; emission maximum = 489 nm).

AmCyan Sequence in pAmCyan Vector

As shows above, the sequence of Anemonia majano Cyan fluorescent protein gene is from site 282 to 978. The fist part is Kozak consensus translation initiation site from 282 to 292, and then start codon (ATG) is from 289-291 until stop codon from 976 to 978. You may check for detailed pAmCyan vector sequence and map information.

AmCyan protein sequence

DNA sequence of AmCyan ORF is 690bp, which code total 229 amino acid of enhanced variant AmCyan proteins. Two amino acid mutations are designed in Asn-34 to Ser mutation (A->G) at 389 site, and Lys-68 to Met mutation (A->T; A->G) at 491 and 429 sites, separately.


We offer both monoclonal AmCyan Antibody and polyclonal AmCyan Antibody which recognizes native and denatured forms of AmCyan1 fluorescent protein, as well as fusion proteins containing AmCyan1.

