
IPKine light chain specific secondary antibodies-the best choice for immunoprecipitation(IP) and co-immunoprecipitation(co-IP)

You may meet this problem in immunoprecipitation (IP) or co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP): the primary antibody you use in IP or co-IP is the same as the one you have used in WB, or they raised from the same host. When this happens, the secondary antibody will recognize the primary antibody used in WB as well as the  denatured/reduced primary antibody released during the IP procedure . It directly result in two bands: the heavy chain (50kDa) and the light chain (25kDa).



If the size of your target protein is greater than 30kDa, in order to avoid interference of the antibody heavy chain , we recommend using light chain specific secondary antibodies, such as :


product nameproduct codeConjugateDetails
IPKine HRP AffiniPure Goat Anti-Mouse IgG Light ChainA25012HRPClick here
IPKine HRP AffiniPure Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Light ChainA25022HRPClick here


Abbkine’s IPKine HRP AffiniPure Goat Anti-Mouse(Rabbit ) IgG Light Chain reacts with kappa light chain on mouse(rabbit) IgG. It doesn’t react with the heavy chain of mouse(rabbit) IgG. Their cross-reaction with human, rat, goat, sheep and bovine serum proteins has been specialized minimized, but they may cross-react with immunoglobulins from other species. They have no reactivity on non-immunoglobulin serum proteins. Furthermore, they are conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (HRP), ideal for western blotting.

Abbkine’s product line covers all kinds of antibody, biochemical, protein, assay kit, and so on. We are committed to reducing the cost of research with value, integrity and a truly personal buying experience. Products are available from affordable research quantities to larger bulk amounts for process development and production.

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