
Protein Kinase C-β Dictates B Cell Fate by Regulating Mitochondrial Remodeling, Metabolic Reprogramming, and Heme Biosynthesis

Content introduction:

  • Protein Kinase C-β Dictates B Cell Fate by Regulating Mitochondrial Remodeling, Metabolic Reprogramming, and Heme Biosynthesis

  • Cancer Cells Co-opt the Neuronal Redox-Sensing Channel TRPA1 to Promote Oxidative-Stress Tolerance

  • Autoimmune Th17 Cells Induced Synovial Stromal and Innate Lymphoid Cell Secretion of the Cytokine GM-CSF to Initiate and Augment Autoimmune Arthritis

  • A Single-Cell Transcriptomic Atlas of Thymus Organogenesis Resolves Cell Types and Developmental Maturation

  • Transcription Factor IRF8 Orchestrates the Adaptive Natural Killer Cell Response

1. Protein Kinase C-β Dictates B Cell Fate by Regulating Mitochondrial Remodeling, Metabolic Reprogramming, and Heme Biosynthesis
PKCβ-null (Prkcb−/−) mice are severely immunodeficient. Here Carlson Tsui at The Francis Crick Institute in London, UK and his colleagues show that mice whose B cells lack PKCβ failed to form germinal centers and plasma cells, which undermined affinity maturation and antibody production in response to immunization. Moreover, these mice failed to develop plasma cells in response to viral infection. At the cellular level, they have shown that Prkcb−/− B cells exhibited defective antigen polarization and mTORC1 signaling. While altered antigen polarization impaired antigen presentation and likely restricted the potential of GC development, defective mTORC1 signaling impaired metabolic reprogramming, mitochondrial remodeling, and heme biosynthesis in these cells, which altogether overwhelmingly opposed plasma cell differentiation. Taken together, their study reveals mechanistic insights into the function of PKCβ as a key regulator of B cell polarity and metabolic reprogramming that instructs B cell fate.

Read more, please click https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(18)30202-4

2. Cancer Cells Co-opt the Neuronal Redox-Sensing Channel TRPA1 to Promote Oxidative-Stress Tolerance
Cancer cell survival is dependent on oxidative-stress defenses against reactive oxygen species (ROS) that accumulate during tumorigenesis. Here, Nobuaki Takahashi at Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA and his colleagues show a non-canonical oxidative-stress defense mechanism through TRPA1, a neuronal redox-sensing Ca2+-influx channel. In TRPA1-enriched breast and lung cancer spheroids, TRPA1 is critical for survival of inner cells that exhibit ROS accumulation. Moreover, TRPA1 promotes resistance to ROS-producing chemotherapies, and TRPA1 inhibition suppresses xenograft tumor growth and enhances chemosensitivity. TRPA1 does not affect redox status but upregulates Ca2+-dependent anti-apoptotic pathways. NRF2, an oxidant-defense transcription factor, directly controls TRPA1 expression, thus providing an orthogonal mechanism for protection against oxidative stress together with canonical ROS-neutralizing mechanisms. These findings reveal an oxidative-stress defense program involving TRPA1 that could be exploited for targeted cancer therapies.

Read more, please click https://www.cell.com/cancer-cell/fulltext/S1535-6108(18)30183-1

3. Autoimmune Th17 Cells Induced Synovial Stromal and Innate Lymphoid Cell Secretion of the Cytokine GM-CSF to Initiate and Augment Autoimmune Arthritis
Despite the importance of Th17 cells in autoimmune diseases, it remains unclear how they control other inflammatory cells in autoimmune tissue damage. Using a model of spontaneous autoimmune arthritis, Keiji Hirota at Osaka University in Osaka, Japan and his colleagues showed that arthritogenic Th17 cells stimulated fibroblast-like synoviocytes via interleukin-17 (IL-17) to secrete the cytokine GM-CSF and also expanded synovial-resident innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) in inflamed joints. Activated synovial ILCs, which expressed CD25, IL-33Ra, and TLR9, produced abundant GM-CSF upon stimulation by IL-2, IL-33, or CpG DNA. Loss of GM-CSF production by either ILCs or radio-resistant stromal cells prevented Th17 cell-mediated arthritis. GM-CSF production by Th17 cells augmented chronic inflammation but was dispensable for the initiation of arthritis. They showed that GM-CSF-producing ILCs were present in inflamed joints of rheumatoid arthritis patients. Thus, a cellular cascade of autoimmune Th17 cells, ILCs, and stromal cells, via IL-17 and GM-CSF, mediates chronic joint inflammation and can be a target for therapeutic intervention.

Read more, please click https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(18)30146-8

4. A Single-Cell Transcriptomic Atlas of Thymus Organogenesis Resolves Cell Types and Developmental Maturation
Thymus development is critical to the adaptive immune system, yet a comprehensive transcriptional framework capturing thymus organogenesis at single-cell resolution is still needed. Eric M. Kernfeld at University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, USA and his colleagues applied single-cell RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) to capture 8 days of thymus development, perturbations of T cell receptor rearrangement, and in vitro organ cultures, producing profiles of 24,279 cells. They resolved transcriptional heterogeneity of developing lymphocytes, and genetic perturbation confirmed T cell identity of conventional and non-conventional lymphocytes. They characterized maturation dynamics of thymic epithelial cells in vivo, classified cell maturation state in a thymic organ culture, and revealed the intrinsic capacity of thymic epithelium to preserve transcriptional regularity despite exposure to exogenous retinoic acid. Finally, by integrating the cell atlas with human genome-wide association study (GWAS) data and autoimmune-disease-related genes, they implicated embryonic thymus-resident cells as possible participants in autoimmune disease etiologies. This resource provides a single-cell transcriptional framework for biological discovery and molecular analysis of thymus organogenesis.

Read more, please click https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(18)30184-5

5. Transcription Factor IRF8 Orchestrates the Adaptive Natural Killer Cell Response
Natural killer (NK) cells are innate lymphocytes that display features of adaptive immunity during viral infection. Biallelic mutations in IRF8 have been reported to cause familial NK cell deficiency and susceptibility to severe viral infection in humans; however, the precise role of this transcription factor in regulating NK cell function remains unknown. Here, Nicholas M. Adams at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, USA and his colleagues show that cell-intrinsic IRF8 was required for NK-cell-mediated protection against mouse cytomegalovirus infection. During viral exposure, NK cells upregulated IRF8 through interleukin-12 (IL-12) signaling and the transcription factor STAT4, which promoted epigenetic remodeling of the Irf8 locus. Moreover, IRF8 facilitated the proliferative burst of virus-specific NK cells by promoting expression of cell-cycle genes and directly controlling Zbtb32, a master regulator of virus-driven NK cell proliferation. These findings identify the function and cell-type-specific regulation of IRF8 in NK-cell-mediated antiviral immunity and provide a mechanistic understanding of viral susceptibility in patients with IRF8 mutations.

Read more, please click https://www.cell.com/immunity/fulltext/S1074-7613(18)30187-0

