
Using Abbkine LinKine™ AbFluor™ 488 Labeling Kit to conjugate samples efficiently

Directly labeled primary antibodies are advantageous as they eliminate the need for secondary reagents in immunoassay procedures, thus removing a tedious extra cycle of incubation and wash steps in applications.

Abbkine LinKine™ AbFluor™ 488 Labeling Kit is designed for preparing AbFluor™ 488 conjugates directly from proteins, peptides, and other ligands that contain a free amino group. The AbFluor™ 488 provided in our Kit has been pre-activated, and can be directly used for conjugation. LinKine™ AbFluor™ 488 Conjugation Kit contains ready-to-use components to prepare AbFluor™ 488 labeled molecules. The resulting conjugates are stable for at least 6 months at 4˚C.

What’s the advantage of Abbkine LinKine™ AbFluor™ 488 Labeling Kit?

  • Activated AbFluor™ 488 – Ready for Labeling to antibodies and other proteins.

  • Optimized Kit procedure – following the standard protocol results in antibodies with excellent dye: protein ratios for optimum activity and fluorescence.

  • Single-use fluors – Kits contain single-use vials of reagent.

  • Efficient purification—Kits include purification columns, ensuring rapid and efficient removal of non-reacted dye and excellent protein recovery.

Customer review

We all know there are many brands selling Labeling Kits including some famous international brands, one of which our group used to purchase from. We found Abbkine LinKine™ AbFluor™ 488 Labeling Kit by accident and decided to give a chance to this new brand. I have to say our lab make a wise decision. Indeed, we got a good result with a half price. Now, the researchers in our lab are all familiar with Abbkine. Most of our products are purchased from Abbkine.

-Werner Heisenberg from Tech Univ Munich Germany

