
Human IL-18 ELISA Kit Review

EliKine™ Human IL-18 ELISA Kit employs a two-site sandwich ELISA to quantitate IL-18 in samples. An antibody specific for IL-18 has been pre-coated onto a microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and any IL-18 present is bound by the immobilized antibody. After removing any unbound substances, a biotin-conjugated antibody specific for IL-18 is added to the wells. After washing, proprietary EliKine™ Streptavidin-HRP conjugates is added to the wells. Following a wash to remove any unbound streptavidin-enzyme reagent, a substrate solution is added to the wells and color develops in proportion to the amount of IL-18 bound in the initial step. The color development is stopped and the intensity of the color is measured.

Interleukin-18 (IL18, also known as interferon-gamma inducing factor) is a protein which in humans is encoded by the IL18 gene. The protein encoded by this gene is a proinflammatory cytokine.

The Human IL 18 ELISA Kit includes Human IL-18 microplate,  Human IL-18 standard, Human IL-18 detect antibody, EliKine™ Streptavidin-HRP, Standard diluent, Assay buffer, HRP substrate, Stop solution, Wash buffer, Plate covers.

This featured Human IL-18 ELISA Kit with Calibration range  78 pg/mL-5000 pg/mL and Limit of detection 40 pg/mL has high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Human IL-18. No significant cross-reactivity or interference between Human IL-18 and analogues was observed.

I purchased the Human IL 18 ELISA Kit through door-to-door sales staff of Abbkine, from product parameters to experimental results, their sales and technicians gave detailed information until I placed the order, I have to say all I've contacted staff are very professional. Abbkine’s price is affordable and my experiment result is also perfect, because of this happy experience I will continue to focus on their other products.

