
EliKine™ Human TNF-α ELISA Kit review

EliKine™ Human TNF-α ELISA Kit reviewTNFa is synthesized as a 26 kDa, type II transmembrane protein that is 233 amino acids in length. It contains a 30 amino acid (aa) cytoplasmic domain, a 26 aa transmembrane segment, and a 177 aa extracellular region. TNFa is assembled intracellularly to form a transmembrane, non-covalently-linked homotrimeric protein. The 157 aa residue soluble form of TNFa (sTNF-αis released from the C-terminus of the transmembrane protein through the activity of TNFa-converting enzyme (TACE), a membrane -bound disintegrin metalloproteinase.

EliKine™ Human TNF-α ELISA Kit employs a two-site sandwich ELISA to quantitate TNF-α in samples. An antibody specific for TNF-α has been pre-coated onto a microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and any TNF-α present is bound by the immobilized antibody. After removing any unbound substances, a biotin-conjugated antibody specific for TNF-α is added to the wells. After washing, proprietary EliKine™ Streptavidin-HRP conjugates is added to the wells. Following a wash to remove any unbound streptavidin-enzyme reagent, a substrate solution is added to the wells and color develops in proportion to the amount of TNF-α bound in the initial step. The color development is stopped and the intensity of the color is measured.

EliKine™ Human TNF-α ELISA Kit was purchased to detect TNFA in Human serum. It meets our requirements very well. The detection range of this kit is from 7.8 pg/ml to 500 pg/ml. The minimum detectable dose of Human TNFA is typically less than 4 pg/mL. No significant cross-reactivity or interference was found during the test. The design of 12 strips of 8 wells 96 well polystyrene microplates is very flexible. The unused wells can be stored at 2-8 ˚C for up to one month. Compared to other brand, the price is reasonable.

