
Abbkine LinKine™ HRP Labeling Kit Review

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) is a 44,173.9-dalton glycoprotein with 6 lysine residues which can be conjugated to a labeled molecule. It produces a colored, fluorometric, or luminescent derivative of the labeled molecule when incubated with a proper substrate, allowing it to be detected and quantified. HRP is often used in conjugates to determine the presence of a molecular target. HRP is also commonly used in techniques such as ELISA and Immunohistochemistry due to its monomeric nature and the ease with which it produces colored products.

Abbkine LinKine™ HRP Labeling Kit is designed for preparing HRP conjugates directly from proteins, peptides, and other ligands that contain a free amino group. The HRP provided in our kit has been pre-activated and can be directly used for conjugation. LinKine™ HRP conjugate Kit contains ready-to-use components to prepare HRP labeled molecules. The resulting conjugates are stable for at least 6 months at 4˚C.

Why should you pick Abbkine LinKine™ HRP Labeling Kit?

Activated HRP – periodate-treated, aldehyde-activated horseradish peroxidase, ready for Labeling to antibodies and other proteins.

High activity HRP – enzyme activity is 120 to 200 units/mg; activated enzyme is stable for at least 12 months at -20°C.

Convenient quantities – each 1 mg-quantity of activated enzyme is sufficient for reaction with 1 mg of IgG.

Customizable – vary the molar ratios, reaction buffer and pH, and other parameters to achieve conjugates with different levels of HRP incorporation and activity.

It was by face-to-face visiting when I heard about Abbkine for the first time. It worked while I was doubting about the conjugate efficiency in the beginning! All the graphs fit the results well. In one word, it didn’t let me down. I am considering to purchase from Abbkine again. I really appreciate Abbkine for the wonderful experience it brought to me! I recommend LinKine™ HRP Labeling Kit to those who need it responsibly for it’s high result rate. And I must say that you’ll never regret having it!

