
EliKine™ Mouse IL-5 ELISA Kit is the new breakthrough from Abbkine Scientific

EliKine™ Mouse IL-5 ELISA Kit is the latest addition to Abbkine EliKine™ ELISA Kits family, after the scientific research giant announced the release of the product. The release of the kit is part of Abbkine’s attempt to ease the process of scientific research and investigation, making it more effective and allowing researchers to get more from their effort.

[caption id="attachment_83227" align="alignleft" width="215"]Mouse IL-5 Standard Curve detected by Abbkine's EliKine™ Mouse IL-5 ELISA Kit Standard Curve for Mouse IL-5[/caption]

The Mouse IL5 ELISA Kit as it also known a two-site sandwich ELISA to quantitate IL-5 in samples. The Interleukin 5 Mouse ELISA Kit uses the colorimetric for detection, with sample types including cell culture supernatants, other biological fluids, plasma, and serum.

One of the outstanding features of the kit in addition to high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Mouse IL-5 is its assay duration. The kit has multiple steps standard sandwich ELISA assay, with a working time of 3 to 5 hours depending on the experience of the person carrying out the operation.

The EliKine™ IL-5 Mouse ELISA Kit includes Mouse IL-5 microplate, Mouse IL-5 standard, Mouse IL-5 detect antibody, EliKine™ Streptavidin-HRP, Standard diluent, Assay buffer, HRP substrate, Stop solution, Wash buffer as well as Plate covers.

About Abbkine Inc.

Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012. Our mission is to help make research possible by supplying scientists worldwide with the basic research tools necessary for advancing human and animal health. We're devoting to provide innovative, high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate life science fundamental research, and drug discovery. Abbkine is delighted to offer reproducible and sensitive EliKine ELISA kits for quantification of cytokines, hormones and other proteins with sandwich or competitive ELISA methods, individually.

A new method to inhibit cancer cells—a mixture of engineered probiotics with vegetables

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world, and its incidence is predicted to rise in the next few years. Also, scientists have been working hard at finding a cure for this problem.

Researchers at the National University of Singapore have identified a way to turn a humble cocktail of bacteria and vegetables into a targeted system that seeks out and kills colorectal cancer cells. Led by Dr Chun-Loong Ho, this study had been published in Nature Biomedical Engineering.

The most important part of this cancer-targeting system is an engineered form of E. coli Nissle, a harmless type of bacteria found in the gut. They engineered the bacteria into a probiotic that attached to the surface of colorectal cancer cells and secreted an enzyme to convert a substance found in cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli) into a potent anticancer agent.

Normal cells cannot do this conversion, and are not affected by the toxin, thus the system can be targeted only to colorectal cancer cells. The research aimed to kill cancer cells in the gut by allowing them to take up this anticancer agent.

Orally administered engineered microbes bind to the surfaces of colorectal cancer cells (a), allowing microbes to secrete myrosinase, which converts dietary glucosinolate found in cruciferous vegetables (b). When the cancer cells are cleared, the microbes are released from the surface of the intestinal wall (c).

Results find that, the mixture of engineered probiotics with a broccoli extract or water containing the dietary substance can killed more than 95% of colorectal cancer cells tested. Moreover, the mixture had no effect on cells from other types of cancer such as breast and stomach cancer.

Observably, in mice with colorectal cancer, the probiotics-veggie combination decreased tumour numbers by 75%. In addition, compared with control mice which were not fed with the mixture, the tumors found in these mice were three times smaller.

Scientists imagine that these probiotics might serve dual purposes, as prevention or clean up the cancer cells remaining after surgical removal of tumours. In the future, colorectal cancer patients may could take the probiotics as a dietary supplement along with their broccoli to prevent colorectal cancer or to reduce recurrence after cancer surgery.

"One exciting aspect of our strategy is that it just capitalizes on our lifestyle, potentially transforming our normal diet into a sustainable, low-cost therapeutic regimen. We hope that our strategy can be a useful complement to current cancer therapies." said Matthew Chang, associate professor at the National University of Singapore.

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LinKine™ AbFluor™ 488 Labeling Kit becomes a new member of Abbkine Kits family

With the acceleration of research and development, Abbkine Scientific spares no efforts to develop a new generation of LinKine™ Labeling Kits, The kits include AbFluor 350, 405,488, 555,594,647,680,770 and HRP, Biotin, FITC, Cy3 Labeling Kits. The LinKine™ AbFluor™ 488 Labeling Kit soon becomes one of the best-selling products due to its high quality and cost-performance. We all believe that the new launch of this product will be a revolutionary step for Abbkine Sci.

[caption id="attachment_83221" align="aligncenter" width="579"]                      FITC                                      Alexa Fluor 488                               AbFluor 488[/caption]

AbFluor™ dyes are a series of highly water-soluble fluorescent dyes spanning full UV-visible and near-infrared spectrum for labeling biomolecules, especially proteins and nucleic acids. Their  hydrophilic  property  makes  the  protein  conjugation  readily  performed  in  aqueous  media,  minimizing  the  use  of  organic  solvents.  AbFluor™  dyes  not  only  have  much  better  labeling  performance  than  other  fluorescent  labeling  dyes  such  as  FITC,  TRITC,  Cy®  dyes,  Alexa Fluor® and Dylight® labeling dyes, but also far more stable than the antibodies or other biomolecules they label.

The featured benefits of LinKine™ AbFluor™ 488 Labeling Kit include Single-use fluors and highly-efficient purification, which will guarantee the rapid and correct removal of non-reacted dye. Compared with different Kits on the current market, the LinKine™ AbFluor™ 488 Labeling Kit will absolutely be a better choice for researchers to conjugate AbFluor™ 488.

Abbkine is aimed at providing high quality research tools for global scientific workers. Our pursuit will never change, so Abbkine Sci will continuously develop now product at the scientist’s choice to accelerate the pace of biological research, which will also do great help to life science field.

About Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd.

Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012. Our mission is to help make research possible by supplying scientists worldwide with the basic research tools necessary for advancing human and animal health. We're devoting to provide innovative, high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate life science fundamental research, and drug discovery. Abbkine is delighted to offer reproducible and sensitive EliKine ELISA kits for quantification of cytokines, hormones and other proteins with sandwich or competitive ELISA methods, individually.


RAS dimers play an important role in causing cancer

Ras is a family of related proteins which is expressed in all animal cell lineages and organs, which are involved in transmitting signals within cells. Mutations in ras genes can lead to the production of permanently activated Ras proteins, and this can cause unintended and overactive signaling inside the cell. Overactive Ras signaling can ultimately lead to cancer.

Mutated RAS genes are some of the most common genetic drivers of cancer, especially in aggressive cancers like pancreatic and lung cancer, so Ras inhibitors had been long studied for treating cancer. However, no medicines that target RAS are found despite decades of efforts.

Researchers at UT Southwestern's Simmons Cancer Center have shown that RAS molecules act in pairs, known as dimers, to cause cancer, findings that could help guide them to a treatment.

"RAS mutations are one of the most common causes of cancer and there are no options for attacking them. The dimerization activity of RAS gives us a solid lead for moving forward," said Dr. Kenneth Westover, Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology and Biochemistry with the Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center at UT Southwestern Medical Center, which is recognizing its 75th anniversary this year.

About the question of RAS dimerization, researchers have a heated discussion. Because no one can prove what RAS dimers look like, this limited the ability to design experiments that assess their importance in normal physiology and cancer. The UT Southwestern team led by Dr. Westover used X-ray crystallography data to predict what a RAS dimer might look like, then tested the model in cells using a method called fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to show when RAS forms dimers and when it does not.

The study provides a foundation for further studies that delve into RAS biology and could potentially pave the way to develop new cancer drugs that target RAS dimerization.

"The primary function of RAS is to transmit signals that tell a cell to grow and divide, a pathway commonly hijacked in cancer. What became clear in our studies is that RAS needs to dimerize to efficiently pass signals in cells. Moreover, RAS dimerization appears to be a crucial event for mutated forms of RAS to cause cancer," said Dr. Westover, part of the Simmons Lung Cancer Team.

Members of the Westover research lab teamed up with researchers from the Dana Farber Cancer Institute to show that RAS dimers are essential in a number of cancer cell systems and animal models of cancer.

Read more, please click http://www.utsouthwestern.edu/newsroom/articles/year-2018/ras-dimers.html 


Abbkine Scientific announces the launch of Normal Goat Serum

With the fast development of scientific research, more and more life science research tools can be manufactured by global suppliers, in which I believe Abbkine scientific is the most active one. In this year, in order to better satisfy the various needs of scientific research workers, Abbkine scientific injected a large amount of finance of human resources to develop a new generation of blocking serum. Recently Abbkine Scientific announces the new release of Normal Goat Serum which is a proper member of Abbkine serum family.

The Normal Goat Serum is adopted from goat and can be applied in BL, ELISA, ICC, IF, IHC experiment. The ideal start dilution ratio is 1:100 in ELISA, 1:10-20 in IF, ICC and IHC-p. it may depend on the different situation you meet in the experiment. But before using, you should store the Normal Goat Serum at 2-8°C or below -20°C for a certain period of time. The method you store it may also affect your experiment result.

Normal goat serums are lipid extracted to improve clarity, dialyzed against phosphate buffered saline (PBS) containing sodium azide. Best results are obtained with diluted normal serum from the same host as the labeled antibody, as a separate incubation step before addition of the primary antibody.

Abbkine Scientific will continuously develop more products which are both high in quality and competitive in price. Our product will be greatly enlarged during our rapid development pace. The brand awareness can be a key factor to some extent, so we expect more and more scientific researchers to try our products, you won’t regret.

About Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd.

Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012. Our mission is to help make research possible by supplying scientists worldwide with the basic research tools necessary for advancing human and animal health. We're devoting to provide innovative, high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate life science fundamental research, and drug discovery. Abbkine is delighted to offer reproducible and sensitive EliKine ELISA kits for quantification of cytokines, hormones and other proteins with sandwich or competitive ELISA methods, individually.


EliKine™ Rat IL-1β ELISA Kit joins Abbkine kits family

[caption id="attachment_82776" align="alignleft" width="308"]This is Rat IL-1β Standard Curve detected by EliKine™ Rat IL-1β ELISA Kit Rat IL-1β is detected by featured EliKine™ Rat IL-1β ELISA Kit[/caption]

With the rapid development of scientific research, Abbkine Scientific adds a new member to EliKine™ kits family. The new release of EliKine™ Rat IL-1β ELISA Kit will largely strengthen the core-competitiveness of Abbkine ELISA Kit group. Abbkine Scientific is aimed at making high quality life science research tools affordable, so the EliKine™ Rat IL-1β ELISA Kit is extremely competitive in price, which will give customer an easy entrance.

The high sensitivity and excellent specificity to detect Rat IL-1β will be a big advantage of this product, they are the main concern for scientist to choose research tools.

Interleukin 1 beta (IL1β) also known as leukocytic pyrogen, leukocytic endogenous mediator, mononuclear cell factor, lymphocyte activating factor and other names, is a cytokine protein that in humans is encoded by the IL1B gene. There are two genes for interleukin-1 (IL-1): IL-1 alpha and IL-1 beta (this gene). IL-1β precursor is cleaved by cytosolic caspase 1 (interleukin 1 beta convertase) to form mature IL-1β. The molecular weight of the proteolytically processed IL-1β is 17.5 kDa. Increased production of IL-1β causes a number of different autoinflammatory syndromes, most notably the monogenic conditions referred to as CAPS, due to mutations in the inflammasome receptor NLRP3 which triggers processing of IL-1B.

EliKine™ Rat IL-1 beta ELISA Kit employs a two-site sandwich ELISA to quantitate IL-1β in samples. Three are no cross-reactivity or interference between Rat IL-1β and analogues. The kit is composed of Rat IL-1β microplate, Rat IL-1β standard, Rat IL-1β detect antibody, EliKine™ Streptavidin-HRP, Standard diluent, Assay buffer, HRP substrate, Stop solution, Wash buffer, Plate covers. You can use it with the most optimized procedures.

The EliKine™ series products are becoming more and more popular, Abbkine Scientific will also keep on developing more cost-effective products for end-users.

About Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd.

Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012. Our mission is to help make research possible by supplying scientists worldwide with the basic research tools necessary for advancing human and animal health. We're devoting to provide innovative, high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate life science fundamental research, and drug discovery. Abbkine is delighted to offer reproducible and sensitive EliKine ELISA kits for quantification of cytokines, hormones and other proteins with sandwich or competitive ELISA methods, individually.


A new research revealed that mutations in ADCY3 gene are related to obesity

Recently, an article entitled “Loss-of-function mutations in ADCY3 cause monogenic severe obesity” was published in Nature Genetics. This research highlighted ADCY3 as an important mediator of energy homeostasis and an attractive pharmacological target in the treatment of obesity. The research contents are as follows.

The scientists identify and functionally characterize homozygous mutations in the ADCY3 gene in children with severe obesity from consanguineous Pakistani families, as well as compound heterozygous mutations in a severely obese child of European-American descent.

When mutations occur in ADCY3, adenylate cyclase 3 it codes for forms abnormally and doesn't function properly. This leads to abnormalities relating to appetite control, diabetes, and even sense of smell.

“Early studies into ADCY3 tested mice that were bred to lack that gene, found that these animals were obese and also lacked the ability to smell, known as anosmia. When we tested our patients, we found that they also had anosmia, again showing a link to mutations in ADCY3.” said Professor Philippe Froguel, from the Department of Medicine at Imperial.

Based on the results, the researchers continue to study the possible mechanism. They entered their results into GeneMatcher, described by Professor Froguel as a “dating agency for genetics”. This led to another group of scientists in the Netherlands contacting the team with their own ADCY3 findings in one of their patients with obesity. This new European patient inherited different mutations on the same ADCY3 gene from both parents, so the ADCY3 gene of the offspring was not functioning properly, leading to obesity.

Further connections were made with a group of Danish scientists, studying the Inuit population of Greenland. Whilst not traditionally consanguineous (as in close family marriages), this population is small, so inbreeding is likely to have occurred.

Research into the genetic causes of obesity, and related conditions, could be incredibly valuable in finding ways to treat them. Currently, there are some drugs available or being tested, but knowing what specific mutations cause obesity allows scientists to create drugs that target them specifically.

‘’Obesity is not always gluttony, as is often suggested, and I think we should have a positive outlook considering the new treatments that are becoming possible.’’ said Professor Philippe Froguel, Chair in Genomic Medicine.

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LinKine™ Labeling Kits

Total solutions for proteins and antibodies labeling with enzymes, fluorescence and featured AbFluor dyes.

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Abbkine announces the release of EliKine™ Human β-hCG ELISA Kit

[caption id="attachment_82713" align="alignleft" width="373"]This is Human β-hCG Standard Curve detected by featured EliKine™ Human β-hCG ELISA Kit Human β-hCG is detected by Abbkine's EliKine™ Human β-hCG ELISA Kit[/caption]

The EliKine™ Human β-hCG ELISA Kit, otherwise referred to as the Human β-hCG ELISA Kit is the new product from the stables of Abbkine Scientific, a life science solutions provider based in China. As part of the company’s strive to ensure a smoother and more effective research process in the field of life sciences, the company announced the release of the product.

Over the years, investigators and researchers have not particularly found it easy with the process of getting results in many of their endeavors. While advancements in science and technology have helped in creating innovative science tools, many of these tools are inaccessible to researchers, especially the relatively small ones. This is largely due to the cost of acquiring these tools.

However, Abbkine has continued to show support for investigators in the field of life science by release quality yet affordable EliKine™ ELISA Kits products, ensuring that everyone and anyone can easily access the products to get their desired results.

The EliKine™ Human Chorionic Gonadotropin beta ELISA Kit is another of such solutions. Employing a two-site sandwich ELISA to quantitate β-hCG in samples, and a colorimetric detection method, even with an assay duration that shows multiple steps standard sandwich ELISA assay with a working time of 2-3 hours, the kit is described as the desired life science research solution.

About Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd.

Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012. Our mission is to help make research possible by supplying scientists worldwide with the basic research tools necessary for advancing human and animal health. We're devoting to provide innovative, high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate life science fundamental research, and drug discovery. Abbkine is delighted to offer reproducible and sensitive EliKine ELISA kits for quantification of cytokines, hormones and other proteins with sandwich or competitive ELISA methods, individually.


Abbkine annouces the release of EliKine™ Mouse TGF-β1 ELISA Kit

[caption id="attachment_82708" align="alignleft" width="309"]Mouse TGF-β1 Standard Curve              Standard Curve for Mouse TGF-β1[/caption]

The EliKine™ Mouse TGF-β1 ELISA Kit is the latest addition to the Abbkine Scientific family after the research company announced the official release of the product. Also referred to as the Mouse TGFB1 ELISA Kit, the product’s high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detection of Mouse TGF-β1 stand it out from its contemporaries on the market.

Abbkine is popular for its innovative solutions for researchers and investigators in the field of life science. Over the years, the company has come up with a wide range of antibodies and other such solutions designed to make researches and investigations easier and more effective, consequently creating better life science solutions.

The release of the Mouse LAP ELISA Kit follows the same direction of the other products from Abbkine, signaling a new dawn in the field of life science. Besides the products high sensitivity and excellent specificity for detecting Mouse TGF-β1, it employs a two-site sandwich ELISA to quantitate TGF-β1 in samples, with a working time of 3 to 5 hours depending on the experience of the person operating.

This unique features and benefits of the kit have ensured that it stays ahead of the competition and maintains Abbkine’s stand as one of the leading life science companies in the world.

About Abbkine Inc.

Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd. was founded in 2012. Our mission is to help make research possible by supplying scientists worldwide with the basic research tools necessary for advancing human and animal health. We're devoting to provide innovative, high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate life science fundamental research, and drug discovery. Abbkine is delighted to offer reproducible and sensitive EliKine ELISA kits for quantification of cytokines, hormones and other proteins with sandwich or competitive ELISA methods, individually.


Lamin B1 Polyclonal Antibody Review

Lamin-B1 is a protein that in humans is encoded by the LMNB1 gene. The nuclear lamina consists of a two-dimensional matrix of proteins located next to the inner nuclear membrane. The lamin family of proteins make up the matrix and are highly conserved in evolution. During mitosis, the lamina matrix is reversibly disassembled as the lamin proteins are phosphorylated. Lamin proteins are thought to be involved in nuclear stability, chromatin

[caption id="attachment_1242" align="alignleft" width="154"] Lamin B1 Polyclonal Antibody in Western Blot analysis.[/caption]

structure, and gene expression. Vertebrate lamins consist of two types, A and B. This gene encodes one of the two B type proteins, B1. Lamin B, along with heterochromatin, is anchored to the inner surface of the nuclear membrane by the lamin B receptor.

Lamin B1 Polyclonal Antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using epitope-specific immunogen. This antibody has been tested with ELISA, IF, IHC-p, WB. And Abbkine suggested starting dilutions are as follows: WB: 1:500-1:2000, IHC-p: 1:100-1:300, ELISA: 1:40000.

LMNB1 encodes one of the two B-type lamin proteins and is a component of the nuclear lamina. A duplication of LMNB1 is associated with autosomal dominant adult-onset leukodystrophy (ADLD). Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. We make experiments with this Lamin B1 Polyclonal Antibody. The results of the experiment is satisfactory.