
MBP-Tag Protein Purification Kit – a new high performance product from Abbkine

Dextrin – a new high performance, cost effective purification kit from Abbkine ScientificWuhan, China. 430074. 27th February 2017. PurKine™ MBP-Tag Protein Purification Kit (Dextrin), otherwise known as MBP resin or Dextrin resin is another purification kit from world leading Chinese scientific company, Abbkine Scientific. PurKine™ MBP-Tag Purification system is a product of innovative high-capacity matrix made for the easy purification of recombinant maltose binding proteins - MBP-tagged protein, giving it its other name, MBP tag resin.

PurKine™ MBP-Tag Protein Purification Kit comprises of PurKine™ MBP-Tag Dextrin Resin 6FF, Binding/Wash buffer (10X) and Elution buffer (10x). The uniqueness of the kit comes from the ingenuity in its production. As opposed to the traditional method of producing resin, the MBP tag resin is made using the latest synthetics process and state-of-the-art technique to develop the resin and optimize the accessories.

The cost effective purification kit comes with other benefits such as high capacity of more than 20 mg of MBP-tagged protein per millilitre of resin, high performance with the preservation of target protein activity, cost-effectiveness that stems from retained level of performance after repeated use, ease of use, and flexibility as it is available in different formats like bulk resin, spin columns and complete kits.

Dextrin is to be shipped in blue ice and should be stored at a stable temperature of between 2°C and 8°C for one year from the date it was shipped.

 About Abbkine Scientific

Abbkine Scientific Co., Ltd. was founded by a number of scientists and marketing experts in the field of life science in California, USA in 2012. With growing demands from Asia Pacific, it move its headquarters to China. Combining cutting edge technology from United States with China's manufacturing engineering and cost advantages, we aim to provide innovative, high quality assay kits, recombinant proteins, antibodies and other research tools to accelerate life science fundamental research, drug discovery, etc.


NFκB-p65 (Acetyl Lys310) Polyclonal Antibody Review

NFκB-p65 (Acetyl Lys310) Polyclonal Antibody ReviewTranscription factors of the nuclear factor κB (NF-κB)/Rel family play a pivotal role in inflammatory and immune responses . NF-kappa-B is a homo- or heterodimeric complex formed by the Rel-like domain-containing proteins RELA/p65, RELB, NFKB1/p105, NFKB1/p50, REL and NFKB2/p52 and the heterodimeric p65-p50 complex appears to be most abundant one. Acetylation at Lys-310 is required for full transcriptional activity in the absence of effects on DNA binding and NFKBIA association. Acetylation can also lower DNA-binding and results in nuclear export.

Abbkine NFκB-p65 (Acetyl Lys310) Polyclonal Antibody detects endogenous levels of NFκB-p65 protein only when acetylated at Lys310 in Human and Mouse samples. The antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using synthesized peptide derived from human NFκB-p65 around the acetylation site of K310. at AA rangle: 250-330. It works for WB, IHC-p, IF and ELISA.

I chose Abbkine NFκB-p65 (Acetyl Lys310) Polyclonal Antibody to stain NF-κB p65 murine peritoneal tumour cells by Immunohistochemistry (Formalin/PFA-fixed paraffin-embedded sections). Tissue was fixed with paraformaldehyde and blocked with 1% BSA for 60 minutes at room temperature. Samples were incubated with primary antibody (1/1000) for 2 hours. IFKineTM Green Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG was used as the secondary antibody. The target was stained and no background. In a word, everything goes well.


Histone H4 (Acetyl Lys16) Polyclonal Antibody Review

Histone H4 (Acetyl Lys16) Polyclonal Antibody ReviewThe nucleosome, made up of four core histone proteins (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4), is the primary building block of chromatin. Histone acetylation occurs mainly on the amino-terminal tail domains of histones H2A (Lys5), H2B (Lys5, 12, 15, and 20), H3 (Lys9, 14, 18, 23, 27, 36 and 56), and H4 (Lys5, 8, 12, and 16) and is important for the regulation of histone deposition, transcriptional activation, DNA replication, recombination, and DNA repair.

Abbkine Histone H4 (Acetyl Lys16) Polyclonal Antibody recognizes endogenous levels of histone H4 protein only when acetylated at Lys16 in Human, Mouse and Rat samples. The antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using synthesized peptide derived from human Histone H4 around the acetylation site of K16. It works for WB, IHC-p, IF and ELISA.

Western Blot analysis of KB cells using Abbkine Histone H4 (Acetyl Lys16) Polyclonal Antibody at 1:1000 dilution. Secondary antibody (catalog#:A21020) was diluted at 1:20000. I observed the band size 11 kDa which is the same as predicted. Whether the price or the performance, this antibody is just what I want.


Histone H3 (Acetyl Lys9) Polyclonal Antibody Review

Histone H3 (Acetyl Lys9) Polyclonal Antibody ReviewThe amino-terminal tails of core histones undergo various post-translational modifications, including acetylation, phosphorylation, methylation, and ubiquitination. These modifications occur in response to various stimuli and have a direct effect on the accessibility of chromatin to transcription factors and, therefore, gene expression. Histone H3 is one of the DNA-binding proteins found in the chromatin of all eukaryotic cells.  In most species, Histone H3 is primarily acetylated at Lys9, 14, 18, 23, 27, and 56. Acetylation of H3 at Lys9 appears to have a dominant role in histone deposition and chromatin assembly in some organisms.

Abbkine Histone H3 (Acetyl Lys9) Polyclonal Antibody detects endogenous levels of Histone H3 only when acetylated at lysine 9 in Human, Mouse and Rat samples. The antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using synthesized peptide derived from human Histone H3 around the acetylation site of K9. at AA range: 1-80. It works for WB, IHC-p, IF and ELISA.

My sample is mouse embryonic fibroblasts and I purchased Abbkine Histone H3 (Acetyl Lys9) Polyclonal Antibody for WB. The antibody works well at the recommended concentration 1:2000.  The secondary antibody I chose was also from Abbkine(CAT#A21020). This is my first time using Abbkine’s products, and I think Abkkine will be a perfect supplier in my future research life.


Abbkine Scientific announces the launch of PurKine™ GST-Tag Protein Purification Kit (Glutathione)

Abbkine Scientific Company Limited announces the launch of PurKine™ GST-Tag Protein Purification Kit (Glutathione)Abbkine Scientific Company Limited recently announced the launch of PurKine™ GST-Tag Protein Purification Kit (Glutathione), otherwise known as Glutathione or GST resin, a new product from the renowned research company.

Glutathione resin kit as the product is also known is a purification kit that is made specifically to purify high levels of overexpressed GST-tagged fusion proteins in gravity column procedure at different scales.

Consisting of 90μm beads of cross-linked 4% agarose, GST tag resin has gone under examination with other famous GST-Tag purification resins, with the former performing at par and sometimes exceeding its peers. The product is even more unique as the performance of the PurKine™ GST-Tag Protein Purification Kit remained untampered even after repeated uses.

The kit is designed to make the workflow easier, more affordable and more effective. The product is a series of unique purification package of settled resin, prepacked spin columns, and full kits for any sample preparation and purification.

Abbkine in the production of the kit deviated from the tradition, using the latest synthetics process in combination with the latest techniques for the development of resin and optimization of accessories. The kit comprises of PurKine™ GST-Tag Glutathione Packed Column, Binding/Wash Buffer (10X) and Elution buffer (10x).

The kit comes with unique features and benefits, which include high performance, high capacity, cost-effectiveness, flexibility and ease of use. The kit can be stored at a stable temperature of 2-8°C for a year from the shipment date, with blue ice shipping.

About Abbkine Scientific

Abbkine Scientific Company Limited is a life science research company. Founded in 2012, the establishment has been able to spread its tentacles across the globe with increasing presence and acceptance from Asia Pacific thanks to its continuous efforts to make the world a better place.

Abbkine combines cutting edge technology with manufacturing engineering and cost advantage to provide innovative, high-quality assay kits and other research and scientific products enhance life science fundamental research and drug discovery amongst others.


RANKL Polyclonal Antibody Review

RANKL is known as a type II membrane protein and is a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily. RANKL has been identified to affect the immune system and control bone regeneration and remodeling. RANKL is an apoptosis regulator gene, a binding partner of osteoprotegerin (OPG), a ligand for the receptor RANK and controls cell proliferation by modifying protein Abp53135-1levels of Id4, Id2 and cyclin D1. RANKL is expressed in several tissues and organs including: skeletal muscle, thymus, liver, colon, small intestine, adrenal gland, osteoblast, mammary gland epithelial cells, prostate and pancreas. Variation in concentration levels of RANKL throughout several organs, reconfirm the uses and importance of growth (particularly bone growth) and immune functions within the body.

RANKL Polyclonal Antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using epitope-specific immunogen. This antibody has been tested with WB, IHC-p and ELISA. And Abbkine suggested starting dilutions are as follows:WB: 1:500-1:2000, IHC-p: 1:100-1:300, ELISA: 1:20000.

RANKL is a member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) cytokine family, it binds to RANK on cells of the myeloid lineage and functions as a key factor for osteoclast differentiation and activation. To my knowledge, Abbkine is a great option when you want to find a cost-effective product. It is worth recommending.


Cleaved-PARP-1 (D214) Polyclonal Antibody Review

Cleaved-PARP-1 (D214) Polyclonal Antibody ReviewPoly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1 (PARP-1) also known as NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase 1 or poly[ADP-ribose] synthase 1 is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the PARP1 gene. It is one of the PARP family of enzymes. PARP-1 involved in the base excision repair (BER) pathway, by catalyzing the poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of a limited number of acceptor proteins involved in chromatin architecture and in DNA metabolism. This modification follows DNA damages and appears as an obligatory step in a detection/signaling pathway leading to the reparation of DNA strand breaks Mediates the poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of APLF and CHFR .

Abbkine Cleaved-PARP-1 (D214) Polyclonal Antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using synthesized peptide derived from the Internal region of human PARP-1. at AA rangle: 140-220. The antibody  was tested to apply in ELISA and WB with Human and Mouse samples. The suggested starting dilutions are: WB: 1:500-1:2000, ELISA: 1:20000.

The Cleaved-PARP-1(D214) Polyclonal antibodie is performing very well for our research clinical trials. We used it on mouse osteosarcoma cells for clinical trials to verify results that we had gotten from an antibody from another manufacturer. The PARP-1 (D214) worked even better. It was able to detect PARP-1 . We first tried the recommended WB 1:500 concentration and it worked great. The signal produced was very strong and clear.  The sensitivity of the PARP-1 (D214) was also perfect. Apart from the performance of the antibody, it was also great to be able to order the antibody in trial-sized quantities.





HSP70 Polyclonal Antibody Review


The 70 kilodalton heat shock proteins (Hsp70s or DnaK) are a family of conserved ubiquitously expressed heat shock proteins. Proteins with similar structure exist in virtually all living organisms. The Hsp70s are an important part of the cell's machinery for protein folding, and help to protect cells from stress. The Hsp70 system interacts with extended peptide segments of proteins as well as partially folded proteins to prevent aggregation, remodel folding pathways, and regulate activity. When not interacting with a substrate peptide, Hsp70 is usually in an ATP bound state. Hsp70 by itself is characterized by a very weak ATPase activity, such that spontaneous hydrolysis will not occur for many minutes.By binding tightly to partially synthesized peptide sequences Abp53155-1(incomplete proteins), Hsp70 prevents them from aggregating and being rendered nonfunctional. Hsp70 also aids in transmembrane transport of proteins, by stabilizing them in a partially folded state. It is also known to be phosphorylated which regulates several of its functions. Hsp70 proteins can act to protect cells from thermal or oxidative stress. These stresses normally act to damage proteins, causing partial unfolding and possible aggregation.

HSP70 Polyclonal Antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using epitope-specific immunogen. This antibody has been tested with WB, IHC-p and ELISA. And Abbkine suggested starting dilutions are as follows:WB: 1:500-1:2000, IHC-p: 1:100-1:300, ELISA: 1:20000.

Hsp70 is overexpressed in malignant melanoma and underexpressed in renal cell cancer.Both HSP70 and HSP47 were shown to be expressed in dermis and epidermis following laser irradiation, and the spatial and temporal changes in HSP expression patterns define the laser-induced thermal damage zone and the process of healing in tissues. I trust Abbkine very much. HSP70 Polyclonal Antibody is one of the top products that I think.

Abbkine Scientific announces the release of Protein Gel Flash Staining Kit

Renowned Chinese research organisation, Abbkine Scientific Co. Ltd, announces the release of new Protein Gel Flash Staining Kit for fast, sensitive, and safe staining solution for visualizing protein bands on polyacrylamide gels.

Wuhan, CHINA. 430074, 22th February 2017-The Protein Gel Flash Staining Kit is another product from Abbkine Scientific Company Limited and the kit is made to be a safe, fast and sensitive solution for visualizing protein bands on polyacrylamide gels. The kit, a one 5X stock staining reagent, is a protein staining kit made to deliver different ranges of 10ng to 5μg in less than an hour.K21010

The fast delivery of the gel staining kit is more than 5 times sensitive than the traditional Coomassie R-250 based dyes, reiterating the uniqueness of the product. The kit is perfect not only for native-PAGE gel, but also for SDS-PAGE gel staining, supplied as a 5X stock staining reagent.

The kit can be stored for one year at a stable temperature of between 4 and 8°C from the shipment date. The kit should be shipped in gel pack with blue ice for the quality to be retained optimally.

The gel is easy to use and the process can be completed in five simple steps.

About Abbkine Scientific

Abbkine Scientific Company Limited is a life science research company headquartered in California. Founded in 2012, the establishment has been able to spread its tentacles across the globe with increasing presence and acceptance from Asia Pacific thanks to its continuous efforts to make the world a better place.

Abbkine combines cutting edge technology with manufacturing engineering and cost advantage to provide innovative, high-quality assay kits and other research and scientific products enhance life science fundamental research and drug discovery amongst others.


VEGF-B Polyclonal Antibody Review

VEGFB is a growth factor for endothelial cells. VEGFB 167 a.a. binds heparin and neuropilin-1 while the binding to neuropilin-1 of VEGFB 186 a.a. is regulated by proteolysis. Overexpression of VEGFB in mouse heart alters cardiac lipid metabolism and induces myocardial hypertrophy. Increased VEGFB expression is associated with hepatocellular carcinoma. VEGF-B has restricted Abp53217-1angiogenic activity in the ischemic heart. VEGFB binds to VEGFR1, Flt1, but not to VEGFR2 and VEGFR3. VEGFB is homodimeric, heparin-binding glycoprotein involved in embryonic angiogenesis and vasculogenesis.

VEGF-B Polyclonal Antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using epitope-specific immunogen. This antibody has been tested with WB, IHC-p and ELISA. And Abbkine suggested starting dilutions are as follows:WB: 1:500-1:2000, IHC-p: 1:100-1:300, ELISA: 1:20000.

The VEGF family members regulate the formation of blood vessels and are involved in endothelial cell physiology. I've tried VEGF-B Polyclonal Antibody with excellent results. It is a wise choice to choose Abbkine.


Cleaved-Notch 2 (D1733) Polyclonal Antibody Review

Cleaved-Notch 2 (D1733) Polyclonal Antibody ReviewThe NOTCH2 gene provides instructions for making a protein called Notch2, a member of the Notch family of receptors. The Notch2 receptor has several major parts. A region of the receptor called the extracellular domain extends from the surface of the cell and binds to ligands. This binding triggers the part of the receptor inside the cell, known as the intracellular domain or NICD, to be cut (cleaved) from the rest of the protein. Research indicates that Notch2 signaling is important for the development of cells destined to be part of the heart, liver, kidneys, teeth, bones, and other structures in a growing embryo.

Abbkine Cleaved-Notch 2 (D1733) Polyclonal Antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using synthesized peptide derived from the Internal region of human Notch 2. at AA rangle: 1660-1740. The antibody  was tested to apply in ELISA, IHC-p and WB with Human, Mouse and Rat samples. The suggested starting dilutions are: WB: 1:500-1:2000, IHC-p: 1:100-1:300, ELISA: 1:40000.

293 cell lysates were used. Western blot signals were detected using an Odyssey machine. A protein band which was assumed to be the cleaved Notch 2 protein was detected between 100-130KD using Cleaved-Notch 2 (D1733) (ABP50052) antibody at 1:500 dilution and a rabbit Dylight 680 secondary antibody (A23720). The antibody works in accordance with expectation.


Histone H2A Polyclonal Antibody Review

Histones are proteins that package DNA into nucleosomes. Histones are responsible for maintaining the shape and structure of a nucleosome. One chromatin molecule is composed of at least one of each core histones per 100 base pairs of DNA.  There are five families of histones known to date; these histones are termed H1/H5, H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. H2A is considered a core histone, along Abp53231-1with H2B, H3 and H4. Core formation first occurs through the interaction of two H2A molecules. Then, H2A forms a dimer with H2B; the core molecule is complete when H3-H4 also attaches to form a tetramer.

Histone H2A Polyclonal Antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using epitope-specific immunogen. This antibody has been tested with WB, IHC-p and ELISA. And Abbkine suggested starting dilutions are as follows:WB: 1:500-1:2000, IHC-p: 1:100-1:300, ELISA: 1:20000. Not yet tested in other applications.

Histones are basic nuclear proteins that are responsible for the nucleosome structure of the chromosomal fiber in eukaryotes. It is responsible to say that Histone H2A Polyclonal Antibody has a reliable quality. It applies to WB, IHC-p and ELISA. That is what I want.


The SuperLumia ECL Plus HRP Substrate Kit is another breakthrough recovery from Abbkine Scientific

The SuperLumia ECL Plus HRP Substrate Kit is another breakthrough recovery from Abbkine ScientificAbbkine Scientific recently announced the launch of the SuperLumia ECL plus HRP substrate kit otherwise known as Enhanced Chemiluminescence, a part of the series of ready-to-use and premixed chemiluminescent reagents used for detecting HRP-based Westerns.

The Electrochemiluminescence is optimized for femtogram amounts of detecting antigen on immunobots, by pouring the substrate directly onto the blot membrance without worries about pipetting error. ECL’s unique intense signal output makes it easy to perfectly detect femtogram amounts of antigen either with photographic imaging or other imaging techniques.

The kit comprises of Reagents A and B, which are sized equally, with inherent benefits that include cost-effectiveness due to the entry-level peroxidase substrate for ECL, replacing more expensive products without needing to re-optimize conditions.

ECL users are advised to optimize all system components like sample amount, the membrane, antibody concentrations, and blocking reagents for the best results. Due to the high sensitivity of ECL, it requires lesser sample and antibodies compared to other substrates in the market.

The substrate can be stored for one year from the shipment date at a stable temperature that range between 4 and 8°C. It is imperative that the substrate is kept away from sunlight or any other intense light as much as possible as this is harmful to the solution, especially if exposed for a long period.

About Abbkine Scientific

Abbkine Scientific Company Limited is a life science research company headquartered in California. Founded in 2012, the establishment has been able to spread its tentacles across the globe with increasing presence and acceptance from Asia Pacific thanks to its continuous efforts to make the world a better place.

Abbkine combines cutting edge technology with manufacturing engineering and cost advantage to provide innovative, high-quality assay kits and other research and scientific products enhance life science fundamental research and drug discovery amongst others.


HMG-1 Polyclonal Antibody Review

HMGB1 (high-mobility group box 1 protein), also known as HMG1 or Amphoterin, is an intracellular protein that is regulated by multiple posttranslational modifications including acetylation, phosphorylation, and methylation. HMGB1 is released upon cell necrosis, apoptosis, and pyroptosis. It acts as a multifunctional alarmin that stimulates inflammation upon sterile or infectious insult. Abp53233-1Receptors for HMGB1 include TLR2, TLR4, TLR9, Syndecan-3, Siglec-10, Integrin alpha M beta 2, CXCR4, TIM-3, and RAGE. It is implicated in the pathogenesis of a broad range of diseases including atherosclerosis, sepsis, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and autoimmunity.

HMG-1 Polyclonal Antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using epitope-specific immunogen. This antibody has been tested with WB, IHC and ELISA. And Abbkine suggested starting dilutions are as follows: WB: 1:500-1:2000, IHC-p: 1:100-1:300, ELISA: 1:20000. Not yet tested in other applications.

HMGB1 encodes high mobility group box 1 that belongs to the High Mobility Group-box superfamily. The encoded non-histone, nuclear DNA-binding protein regulates transcription, and is involved in organization of DNA. It applies to WB, IHC and ELISA experiments. It's convenient to choose this product.


Cleaved-Notch 1 (V1754) Polyclonal Antibody Released

Cleaved-Notch 1 (V1754) Polyclonal Antibody ReleasedNotch homolog 1, translocation-associated (Drosophila), also known as NOTCH1, is a human gene encoding a single-pass transmembrane receptor. This gene encodes a member of the Notch family. Members of this Type 1 transmembrane protein family share structural characteristics including an extracellular domain consisting of multiple epidermal growth factor-like (EGF) repeats, and an intracellular domain consisting of multiple, different domain types. Notch 1, when activated before birth, induces radial gliadifferentiation, but postnatally induces the differentiation into astrocytes. One study shows that Notch-1 cascade is activated by Reelin in an unidentified way. Reelin and Notch1 cooperate in the development of the dentate gyrus, according to another.

Cleaved-Notch 1 (V1754) Polyclonal Antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using synthesized peptide derived from the internal region of human Notch 1. at AA rangle: 1710-1790. The reactivity of this antibody are Human, Mouse and Rat. Test confirmed the antibody can be applied in ELISA, IHC-p and WB. Abbkine suggested the starting dilutions are as follows: WB: 1:500-1:2000, IHC-p: 1:100-1:300 and ELISA: 1:20000.

Western Blot analysis of KB cells using Cleaved-Notch 1 (V1754) Polyclonal Antibody diluted at 1:500 has been shown in the left picture. Supplied as liquid solution, the  antibody is stable for one year at -20°C from date of shipment. For maximum recovery of product, centrifuge the original vial after thawing and prior to removing the cap. Aliquot to avoid repeated freezing and thawing.


Glut4 Polyclonal Antibody Review

Glucose Transporter 4 (GLUT4/SLC2A4) is a member of a family of proteins that facilitate glucose transport. In response to insulin GLUT4 translocates from low density microsomes to the plasma membrane. Activation of phosphatidylinositol-3-OH kinase is required for this trafficking event but is not sufficient. Insulin resistant subjects with and without diabetes show abnormal Abp53254-1accumulation of GLUT4 in a dense membrane compartment in muscle and adipocytes from which insulin is unable to recruit GLUT4 to the cell surface.

Glut4 Polyclonal Antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using epitope-specific immunogen. This antibody has been tested with WB and ELISA. And Abbkine suggested starting dilutions are as follows: WB: 1:500-1:2000, ELISA: 1:20000. Not yet tested in other applications.

I am happy to choose this product. The pictures are beautiful! It is responsible to say that Glut4 Polyclonal Antibody has a reliable quality. It is worth recommending.

Cleaved-Caspase-9 (D353) Polyclonal Antibody Released

Cleaved-Caspase-9 (D353) Polyclonal Antibody ReleasedCaspase-9, which is activated by association with the Apaf-1 (apoptotic protease-activating factor-1) apoptosome complex, cleaves and activates the downstream effector caspases-3 and -7, thereby executing the caspase-cascade and cell-death programme. Although caspase-9 does not need to be cleaved to be active, apoptotic cell death is always accompanied by autocatalytic cleavage and by further downstream effector caspase-dependent cleavage of caspase-9. Caspase 9 is thought to play a central role in apoptosis and to be a tumor suppressor. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants.

Abbkine Cleaved-Caspase-9 (D353) Polyclonal Antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using synthesized peptide derived from the C-terminal region of human Caspase-9 at AA rangle: 280-360. The antibody is react with mouse and rat and the verified applications are WB, IHC-P and ELISA. Abbkine suggested the starting dilutions are WB: 1:500-1:2000, IHC-p: 1:100-1:300, ELISA: 1:20000.

Supplied as liquid , the concentration of the Cleaved-Caspase-9 (D353) antibody is 1mg/ml. Uniprot accession of the relative protein of the antibody is P55211, and gene ID is 842. The antibody is stable for one year at -20°C from date of shipment. For maximum recovery of product, centrifuge the original vial after thawing and prior to removing the cap. Aliquot to avoid repeated freezing and thawing.


AR Polyclonal Antibody Review

AR (androgen receptor) is a member of the steroid superfamily of ligand-dependent transcription factors. They regulate eukaryotic gene expression and affect cellular proliferation and differentiation in target tissues. AR consists of an amino terminal modulating domain, a central DNA-binding domain, a hinge region and a carboxyl terminal ligand binding domain. Defects in AR Abp53269-1are the cause of androgen insensibility syndrome (genital disorders), X-linked spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy disease), metastatic prostate cancer and infertility male syndrome.

AR Polyclonal Antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using epitope-specific immunogen. This antibody has been tested with WB and ELISA. And Abbkine suggested starting dilutions are as follows: WB: 1:500-1:2000, ELISA: 1:10000. Not yet tested in other applications.

The expression of AR is reportedly inversely correlated with histologic grade i.e. well differentiated prostate tumors show higher expression than the poorly differentiated tumors. AR Polyclonal Antibody worked very well. I am satisfied with the results of the experiment.


Next Generation Sequencing

Empowered to ultimately decipher the blueprint of life, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is the answer to how we can harness the potential locked in our genetic material. A successful culmination of cutting edge R&D, NGS has come to represent a monumental technological advancement that is not only poised to redefine many aspects of scientific research, but also pave the way for the emerging field of personalized medicine.

Abbkine Next Generation Sequencing service

The Abbkine platform for Next Generation Sequencing has been created at Wuhan Institute of Biotechnology, the Illumina Certified Service Provider in Biolake Wuhan. An Illumina Hi-Seq 2500 sequencer has been purchased and is dedicated exclusively to the project. Abbkine's premium NGS services will not only save valuable time and money, but also provide the most reliable and comprehensive solution for the project's needs.

Committed to making newer technologies attainable to modern researchers, Abbkine offers a wide range of sequencing services on the advanced Illumina® sequencing platforms at accessible prices and rapid turnaround times.

Abbkine's Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) service is a one-stop full service: Understanding our client’s specific needs, producing and delivering the products according to schedule, and providing technical support post-delivery. We respect our clients’ confidential information, and guarantee that all intellectual property remains with the client. Kindly email us with your antibody production demands and quote request at service@abbkine.com.

Cleaved-Caspase-8 (D384) Polyclonal Antibody Released

Cleaved-Caspase-8 (D384) Polyclonal Antibody ReleasedApoptosis is a physiological process of cellular autodestruction. The central component of this machinery is a proteolytic system involving a family of proteases called caspases. Fas(APO-1/CD95) is a transmembrane receptor protein which induces apoptosis upon activation. In apoptosis triggered by Fas, a subset of caspases is activated. Among them, caspases-8 (FLICE/MACH) is the first step in the cas2 cade of apoptotic events induced by Fas. Cleavaged caspase-8 then activates other downstream caspases including caspase-9, thereby commiting the cell to undergo apoptosis. Many studies show that caspase-8 is related to the pathogenesis of certain diseases and injuries such as cancers, neurodegenerative disease, parasitosis, trauma and so on in human beings.

Abbkine Cleaved-Caspase-8 (D384) Polyclonal Antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using synthesized peptide derived from the C-terminal region of human Caspase-8. at AA rangle: 310-390. The antibody is react with human and the verified applications are WB and ELISA. Abbkine suggested the starting dilutions are  WB: 1:500-1:2000, ELISA: 1:40000.

Supplied as liquid , the concentration of the Cleaved-Caspase-8 (D384) antibody is 1mg/ml. Uniprot accession of the relative protein of the antibody is Q14790, and gene ID is 841. The antibody is stable for one year at -20°C from date of shipment. For maximum recovery of product, centrifuge the original vial after thawing and prior to removing the cap. Aliquot to avoid repeated freezing and thawing.