
Loading control antibodies for plant sample

Loading control antibodies are helpful for assessing western blotting efficiencies and comparing the amounts of protein loaded in each well across a gel. Theoretically, an ideal protein for an internal control should be the one that expresses at a constant level during the cell cycle, among different cell types and tissues at all stages of development, and unaffected by experimental treatments. Thus, housekeeping gene coded proteins, such as beta-actin and GAPDH, Tubulin are often chosen to serve this purpose. However, these commonly used loading controls are mostly suitable for animal samples.plant-animal-cell

The choice of appropriate housekeeping protein for plant sample would depend on the particular experiment and it needs to be confirmed. One has to determine a priority what does not change in one's test conditions and use that as a control. Another criteria to choose proper loading control is molecular weight, which means there should be at lease 5KD of molecular weight deference between target protein and loading control. Below loading controls are candidates for your particular research on plant samples.

Beta Actin

Actin is a highly conserved protein and an essential component of cell cytoskeleton and plays an important role in cytoplasmic streaming, cell shape determination, cell division, organelle movement and extension growth. Preferentially expressed in young and expanding tissues, floral organ primordia, developing seeds and emerging inflorescence. Arabidopsis has a complex actin gene family that encodes six protein subclasses. One of the classes is represented by the proteins ACT2 and ACT8, which are similar proteins, but have different flanking sequences, introns and silent nucleotide positions in codons. ACT8 is expressed in root, stems, leaves, flowers, pollen and siliques.

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The Anti-Plant Actin Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (3T3) is a monoclonal antibody raised from mouse host, with part of recombinant actin-11 protein as immunogen. It specifically detect Actin proteins from Arabidopsis, Nicotiana tabacum, Oryza sativa, Hordeum vulgare, and we predicted it also work with other various specised , such as Brassica napus, Gossypium herbaceum, Solanum tuberosum, Setaria italic, Triticum monococcum, Brachypodium distachyon, Chrysanthemum seticuspe, Glycine max, Mangifera, Thellungiella halophila, Zoysia japonica, Isatis tinctoria based on immunogen sequence.

Rubisco (Large Chain)

Rubisco (Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) catalyzes the rate-limiting step of CO2 fixation in photosynthetic organisms. It is demonstrably homologous from purple bacteria to flowering plants and consists of two protein subunits, each present in 8 copies. In plants and green algae, the large subunit (~55 kDa) is coded by the chloroplast rbcL gene, and the small subunit (15 kDa) is coded by a family of nuclear rbcS genes.

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This Anti-Rubisco (Large chain) monoclonal antibody (9Y6) is a monoclonal antibody raised from mouse host, with part of recombinant Rubisco large unite protein as immunogen. It specifically recognizes plants endogenous Rubisco Large Chain proteins in various plants. Another Rubisco (Large chain) polyclonal antibody are also provided in case you need rabbit hosted antibody with high affinity.

We develop and produce full portfolio of loading control antibodies, such as GAPDH, Beta-Actin, GAPDH, PCNA, Histone H3, Tubulun, Lamin B1, Cyclophilin B, COX IV, etc, and tag antibodies, such as His, HA, Flag, MBP, mCherry, GST, GFP, V5, VSV-G, Digoxin, Ubiquitin, BGF, RFP,mOrange, AmCyan, T7, Strep, S tag, KT3, etc, which have been commonly used around world. Abbkine is committed to reducing the cost of research with value, integrity and a truly personal buying experience. Products are available from affordable research quantities to larger bulk amounts for process development and production.